For a fifth consecutive year, the Town of Kirkland invites residents to come out to Environment Day on Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Municipal Garage. Come early! This year, Kirkland decided to go organic and will give away a free plant of organic tomatoes or perennials to the first 250 residents (available while supplies last).
The eco-counsellor and members of the Kirkland Environment committee will be on hand to answer questions about good horticultural techniques that respect the environment. To beautify their flowerbeds and gardens, residents will also be able to help themselves to free wood chips (from branch collection) and compost (produced from the leaves collected in the fall), two initiatives of the Town to encourage reuse of resources. In addition, rain barrels will be available for purchase at a subsidized price of $45 as well as backyard composters at a cost of $25.
As part of its Local Sustainable Development Plan, the Town of Kirkland will also be launching its “Buy a tree for $20” Program that same day. Citizens will be able to purchase for as little as $20 a beautiful tree to plant on their property and thereby, contribute to increasing the Kirkland tree canopy. Five different tree species will be available for purchase (see the town’s website for more details).
Environment Day is a popular spring event that encourages residents to adopt good ecological practices by offering handy tips and useful tools to reduce their environmental footprint.
More information can be found at