Message from The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre:

“JUNE 26TH is National Cancer Wellness Awareness Day. The goal of this day is to increase awareness of cancer wellness. We want everyone living with cancer to know that it is possible to live well and to reach out and to wellness programs in their community. Will you help?

IMAGINE being diagnosed or living with cancer in the middle of a pandemic. As well as the diagnosis, there is increased anxiety, isolation and possible delays in treatment. We are still here to help as are well centres across the country. It is so important to let people living with cancer know that they are not alone.

CANCER WELLNESS helps people to live well with cancer by focusing on their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. A range of professionals including osteopaths, dietitians, kinesiologists, psychologists, yoga instructors and more come together under the umbrella of cancer wellness.

ON JUNE 26TH, WE’LL ASK YOU TO SHARE OUR SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS about National Cancer Wellness Awareness Day. Together, we can let more people living with cancer know that support is available for them. In the meantime, follow us on social media for regular updates. We hope we can count on your support!”