Italian PM Split from Partner Amid Sexist Remark Scandal


The Italian Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni, has parted ways with her long-time partner Andrea Giambruno following the broadcast of a compromising personal audio recording. Giambruno, who was a host for a well-known national television show, was caught in a leak that brought to light sexist remarks made off-air. The disgraceful incident resulted in his removal as host, however, the network announced that he would continue to occupy an editorial role in the program.

In the wake of the scandal, Meloni revealed her separation from Giambruno, putting an end to their nearly decade-long relationship. Mediaset, the media company broadcasting the show and owned by the family of the late Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, made it known that Giambruno regretted the turmoil and embarrassment he had caused by his actions. This unforeseen turn of events prompted Giambruno to depart from his on-screen role on the Mediaset channel Rete4’s Diario del giorno (Diary of the Day).

Speculations in Italy suggest that the aftermath of the leaked recording is causing a stir within Meloni’s government. The party founded by Berlusconi, Forza Italia, forms part of Meloni’s right-wing coalition, positioning Pier Silvio Berlusconi, the eldest son of the late Prime Minister, at the helm of Mediaset. Despite the damaging consequences of the leak to Prime Minister Meloni’s reputation, both the Berlusconi family and Forza Italia deny any involvement in the incident.

Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, who succeeded Silvio Berlusconi as party leader, stated on behalf of the Berlusconi family that they were both shocked and regretful upon learning of the events that unfolded following the broadcasting of the recording on Mediaset. Meloni reaffirmed her separation from Giambruno, stating that their relationship, which began in 2015 and yielded a seven-year-old daughter, Ginevra, had ended.

Meloni, a staunch believer in traditional Catholic family values, and leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy party, has publicly voiced her belief that a child should be parented by a mother and father. Antonio Ricci, director of the program responsible for airing the leaked recording, has hinted that he may have done a favour to Meloni. Reports suggest that Giambruno was notorious for joking about his relationship with the Prime Minister and indicate the possibility of more embarrassing revelations surfacing from this ordeal.