“Wired and Retired” – iPad Course for Beginners in Dorval


This free course, for seniors and retirees who are residents of Dorval, is designed for novices with little to no previous experience with the iPad. It is an opportunity to become more familiar and confident with new technology, as well as a chance to socialize with other learners. iPads are provided.

The course consists of 10 weekly sessions:

  • In English: Tuesdays, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., March 28 to May 30
  • In French: Thursdays, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., March 30 to June 1

Where: Dorval Library by the Centre d’éducation des adultes Jeanne-Sauvé, 305 Avenue Mimosa, Dorval, QC H9S 3K5

When: March 14 and 16, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Info: For more information, please contact the Dorval Library at 514 633-4170.

****Registration at the Library and space is limited****

IMPORTANT – Documents will be required in order to register:

  • Birth certificate (large format) including parents’ names
  • or Canadian citizenship certificate
  • or valid permanent resident card
  • or IMM 1000 form
  • as well as a valid medicare card and proof of residence in Dorval.