In the tranquil expanses of rural east Texas, an event mired in cruelty and illegality abruptly descended into chaos when nearly 300 spectators, gathered for a series of illicit cockfighting matches, scattered into the surrounding woods, seeking refuge from the arriving deputies. The scene was an unsavoury mix of violence and vigilantism in the wholly incongruous setting of San Jacinto County.
Following accusations of animal cruelty, a patrol sergeant along with two deputies arrived at the location on October 15 and succeeded in detaining nineteen individuals from the furtive crowd. Over a hundred vehicles were left abandoned in the hasty escape, necessitating the towing of 75 cars while 43 others are awaiting a decision on their forfeiture, revealed the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office.
The aftermath presented an equally grim picture, as the officers retrieved ninety-six live gamecocks from the vehicles, cages, and transport crates scattered across the site. The evidence of the cruel sport was further underlined by the discovery of multiple deceased roosters on the premises.
The ill-famed cockpit was later described as a large, permanent wooden structure featuring a round fighting arena, makeshift bleachers, lawn chair seating, and an ancillary kitchen cum concession stand, encapsulated under the extensive structure.
Predominantly, these fights end with one avian contender succumbing to fatal injuries inflicted by hooked razors, known as “gaffs” or “slashers,” fixed onto their talons. In an unsettling revelation, investigators unearthed several such devices along with vitamins, steroids, and other concoctions designed to enhance the bird’s metabolism and prolong their suffering.
Additionally, deputies seized gambling paraphernalia, including a dry erase board that displayed the chilling record of 44 bouts conducted earlier that day.
Cockfighting is universally deemed illegal across all 50 states of America, including Texas, where it is a felony to instigate birds to fight or utilize property for cockfighting. Punishments include two years of state imprisonment and a fine up to $10,000. The possession, production or sale of cockfighting equipment, or the training of roosters for fights, too, carry legal repercussions.
Despite its legal status, this cruel pastime finds cultural acceptance and legality in much of South America, making it particularly popular among the South American immigrant communities in the US.
Additionally, the criminal undercurrents of the event revealed themselves when the police confiscated just over $22,000 from the arrested suspects and five loaded semi-automatic pistols from vehicles containing fighting-related equipment.
Sheriff Greg Capers reaffirmed the county’s zero-tolerance policy against animal cruelty, declaring that the investigation into this brutal sport would continue unabated.
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