Did you know?
When it comes to protein, many vegetables can deliver a healthy dose?
The Canadian food guide was revised to include more plant foods on our plates, both for our health and for the environment.
Here are several star vegetable choices to add to our plates:
- *Lentils and beans
- *Edamame
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- Green peas
- Artichokes
- Beet greens
- Mushrooms
- Avocado
- Baked potatoes
Some choices like lentils and edamame offer up to 18 g of protein per cup!
Health tip: Eat plant sources of protein with whole grains to complete your protein needs. An example would be lentils with brown rice or broccoli with quinoa.
To make health happen today, join my next workshop February in the West Island by emailing: nevine.e@videotron.ca
To get one-on-one nutritional counselling, help with family meal planning, or just join amazing educational and cooking lessons in the West Island, please message me.
Wishing you the best of health,
Nevine El-Chibini is an optimal food coach (naturopath), a volunteer for a decade, a mother and grandmother who lives in Pierrefonds with her husband and cat. She loves to read, learn, write poetry and cook using her husband’s gardening hobby. She uses fun and creative real-life education, content-rich engaging talks and demonstrations to inspire people to join a nutritional wellness revolution. In addition to coaching people one-on-one and in groups, you will find Nevine in multiple venues in the community. Nevine also focuses on other facets of a healthy mind, body and spirit and so she takes long walks in the forest, jogs and practices yoga. www.facebook.com/nevinescuisine