Virtual Venue: How to Create an Office in the Cloud with a Virtual Office


There are lots of options out there for small businesses looking to take the next step. This sentiment is frequently expressed in the United States, where the message is that everybody gets a chance to make it. While it isn’t untrue, anybody who has ever owned a company will know that life is a little more complex.


If you’ve got a small home-based business, you do have a lot of choices. However, your budget will determine how many of these are suitable. For instance, lots of young companies struggle to afford that leap from home operation to full-time, formal lease. The question is, do you really need it? Is that costly, high maintenance lease in the centre of town really worth it?


This article explores the rise of virtual offices and explains why ‘going remote’ is a great alternative to full-time leasing. Check out for more details.   


Formal Mailing Address


The most immediate and practical benefit of virtual offices is the ability to link your business to a tangible, professional address. You’re not renting space. You’re paying for company communications to be directed to a formal facility before they get to you.  


The advantage of this is being able to appear as though you’re renting a high-end office. In reality, you’re being charged a nominal fee for the credibility of a grounded address. So, take the P.O box address of the virtual facility and pass it on to investors, suppliers, customers, and other affiliates.


Video Conferencing Tools


Another way to make sure you’re getting the most out of virtual solutions is mastering the use of conferencing tools. There are some fantastic free programs out there. Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom are among the best. In fact, they’re essential for virtual businesses.


Even if you don’t have a team to lead, you’ll need reliable communications software for interacting with affiliates. Yes, they can call you on the phone, but it’s better to have a range of options. Try to make yourself as available as possible, particularly when it comes to investors and market influencers.


Meeting Rooms for Hosting


Virtual tenants should also make use of any onsite conference rooms or meeting areas. Many top rated vendors in the US offer access to hosting facilities. Usually, they’re made to available to tenants only, so availability shouldn’t be a problem.


Each office is different, so some vendors charge a small hire fee for the use of these spaces. Others include access within the monthly rate. Either way, this is a great resource for remote businesses, because it makes hosting possible without a full-time workspace.


Back Office Support


Just because you don’t have a private, formal workspace, it doesn’t mean you have to be disconnected from corporate networks. Virtual offices are highly valuable, because they work to strengthen these connections, despite a lack of physical space.  


For instance, the virtual facility houses a full team of support staff. They are at the other end of the phone whenever you need IT assistance, administrative help, marketing advice, financial guidance, and more. Make use of this resource. Let the vendor fuel your growth.


Why Going Virtual Is Stepping into the Future


It’s clear that virtual solutions are the future of the business world. Already, offices are getting smaller, as more businesses embrace remote routines. According to some experts, all workspaces will either be shared or digital within twenty years.


It means that, if you adopt flexible modes of work now, you’ll be ahead of the curve. Plus, there’s plenty of money to be saved when you’re not spending on rent, electricity, heating, lighting, and internet bills.