The head of group representing various churches in Canada that are standing up against public health guidelines is headed for a long leave after he admitted to having a private investigator follow senior government officials and a judge involved in the case.
Alberta’s Justice center for constitutional Freedom (JCCF) board said Tuesday that John Carpay, the founder and president of the group who operates from Calgary, was headed for an indefinite leave immediately.
Glenn Joyal, Judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, said he had been followed by a private investigator whose job was to find him breaking COVID-19 rules so that he could be embarrassed during the case.
The judge said this during a court session relating to the case, which was brought forth by 7 rural Manitoba churches with the help of their representative organization.
Carpay issued an apology on Monday for his errant ways.
A human rights lawyer based in Ottawa, Richard Warman, had gone to court to initial proceedings regarding this event with the law society of Alberta and Manitoba.
Mark Blumberg, a charity lawyer based in Toronto, said that it is vital for charity bodies to have public trust, adding that Carpay’s action might have grave consequences for the JCCF as a registered entity.
Carpay previously served as the provincial director of Taxpayers federation of Canada. Carpay has hit the headlines before for his remarks that compared the LGBTQs’ flag to the Nazi swastika, and for challenging straight-gay alliances, entities that are required to handle bulling and offer support to LGBTQ students.