Google + You: Is your website mobile-friendly?



Recently a client of ours received a notification from their Google Analytics account that their website is not mobile-friendly and therefore Google finds it hard to consider their site safe for mobile browsing. Read the letter here.

It is all about the experience that Google is selling us as web users, and we cannot argue with that, after all, when you go to a store and you want to buy a product, you are expecting it to be in a great condition.

Search engine master builders at Google are pretty much the same. They give us a platform to browse about and find what we are looking for with a single click, they put in special care to verify and share only quality products on their search engine. These products are websites like this one, or our own website that Google is trying to index. In other words, they will prioritize showing the ones that conform to the device you are on.

In other words, if your website is not mobile friendly, Google will not prioritize showing it to it’s users in their search.

So what are the options for you, the website account holder?

Well, there are a few:

  1. If you are using a CMS (content management system) such as WordPress, Magento, Joomla, etc) you can ask your web developer to update your theme to a mobile-friendly one
  2. If you do not have a CMS, then you can find a mobile-friendly solution provider that will be able to automatically take your content and turn it into a mobile phone or tablet ready website.
  3. Re-build your website with a new platform that is responsive (the type that will adjust according to any screen resolution)

Our recommendations are to go with the responsive one. For certain websites, it can be the most expensive solution, but it will definitely last you the longest.

Click HERE to see If your website is following Google recommendations to be a Mobile-Friendly Site


If you have any questions or would like more information on certain aspects, let us know in the comments and we will be sure to write about it, stay tuned for new content!

thumbnailThis segment brought to you by our contributor Itsik Romano. Itsik Romano is the creative director and founder of Definite Image Productions Inc., a Montreal (West Island) creative studio that specialises in web development, graphic design and online marketing.

Feel free to contact Itsik and his team at 514.228.7979 
or email him at