The celebrated ensemble cast of the iconic television show “Friends” is grappling with the bewildering demise of their co-star, the applauded Matthew Perry, a blow that has left them reeling in heartache. “We are all absolutely torn by Matthew’s loss,” expressed Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, and David Schwimmer in a joint declaration, punctuating their close-knit bond, “We weren’t solely co-stars, we were a family.”
From the years 1994 to 2004, Perry graced the screen alongside each of the five spirited actors in every single episode of the show’s enduring ten-season run. The late actor, who was discovered lifeless at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 54, leaves a gaping void in the television landscape and in the hearts of his loved ones.
“There’s a wealth of words to express our feelings, but at this moment, we choose to honour him in quiet reflection and process this unthinkable tragedy,” they declared. “In due course, we will articulate more. Currently, our hearts, thoughts and love extend to Matty’s family, his friends, and his fans all over the world,” cited the statement that stands as their initial public commentary on the loss of their beloved co-star.
The cause of Perry’s death remains undisclosed, pending further investigation by the Los Angeles County coroner, which may take several weeks.
Among the many mourning Perry’s passing is Salma Hayek, his co-star from the 1997 romantic comedy “Fools Rush In,” of which the late Perry had always held in high esteem. “It’s been a few days of grappling with a deep-rooted sorrow. There is a rare bond conceived when one shares dreams with a fellow companion and together work towards them,” Hayek shared in an emotional Instagram tribute to her late co-star.
The loss of Perry extends beyond his co-stars and envelops his fans across the globe, many of whom have laid heartfelt tributes and tokens of remembrance outside the New York building that served as a backdrop for the show.
Show creators, Marta Kauffman and David Crane, channelled their sorrow in a poignant reference to the show’s unique episode naming style, stating, “this truly is The One Where Our Hearts Are Broken.” Morgan Fairchild, who portrayed Perry’s on-screen mother, and Maggie Wheeler, who played his on-and-off girlfriend, echoed similar sentiments, marking a profound sense of grief rippling throughout the “Friends” family.