by Rhonda Massad
Religions all have one thing in common, they teach love, tolerance, acceptance and a high standard of goodness. A belief that human beings should be kind and treat each other with respect, to help each other is the religion of humanity no matter the organized religion that one practices.
We all desire the same basic kindness and find ourselves moved when we experience it. We need to practice the religion of humanity here at home where speech is free and show the world how it is done. We should show respect for each other always not just during the tragic moments.
We have the luxury of freedom.
Speak freely, speak with respect. Speak with care because with freedom of speech comes great power to express ideas and also an ability to destroy with a single stroke of the pen.
Given the recent tragedy at Charlie Hebdo, we need to remember that freedom of speech is not a given and should not be taken for granted. We must join together in solidarity against the threat to our freedom. Stand as one.
A wise man once said, “Freedom is freedom period. The line is the line. There are no grey areas. Violence is never the answer. “
Here are some heart felt words from members of our community:
- On behalf of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, I extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of those affected in the recent Charlie tragedy. We stand united with the people of France in opposition to terrorism. Freedom of speech is a fundamental value and events such as these are intolerable and unacceptable.
Jennifer Maccarone
Chairperson, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
I was shocked to wake up to the news of the attack at Charlie Hebdo. Satirists are one of the last bastions of free speach and uncensored criticism of the absurd, the unjust and politically correct society we live in. This was an attack to free thinking, independent opinion and courage in the face of an insane enemy, that has been distorted, blinded and manipulated by the cult of death, not religion. How do you face off with an enemy like that? More freedoms, more liberties, more progress, more laughing at ourselves.
Vasilios Karidogiannis Councillor L’Abord à Plouffe
Freedom of expression is a basic human right. That means everyone has the right to state freely what they think, and especially what they disagree with. If I take a stand that the citizens of my district disagree with, I expect them to write to me or call me to discuss it, which is what civilized people should do. Not to shoot me in the head like a mindless barbarian. Anyone who thinks what happened in Paris cannot happen here is dead wrong. Someone tried to make it happen in Ottawa. And because they did, “je suis Charlie”.
Raynald Adams
City Councillor for the district of Renaud
Popular wisdom says that the pen is mightier than the sword. We have seen since yesterday how true that is, especially when it comes to defending values our society holds dear. All extremists around the world take note: Throughout history, your way has been tried many times, and each time it failed. It will fail again this time.
David De Cotis
Vice-président du comité exécutif
Cabinet du maire
Tout d’abord j’exprime mon indignation face à cet acte de Barbarie qui a eu lieu en france. Toute notre solidarité au peuple français et aux familles des victimes. Notre rôle en tant que responsable est de renforcer le courage surtout chez les jeunes pour qu’ils surmontent l’intimidation et qu’un acte de ce genre n’affecte pas leur droit le plus précieux qui est le droit de liberté et d’expression écrite.Chaque individu a le droit de vivre d’une façon pacifique et digne.
Aline Dib Councillor for the district of St-Martin
<< My thoughts are with the friends and families of the victims and all those of the French Republic. To reiterate the words of our Prime Minister, this act of violence is intolerable and unacceptable. I wish all those affected the best through this difficult time >>.
Jean Rousselle MNA Vimont.
7.Jean Habel
Quote: my fist tought goes to the families of the victims and also to the french people for whom we shares strong common values like democracy and liberty. I condemn theses events of violence and salute the courage of the French citizen during this difficult time.
Jean Habel
MNA Ste. Rose