Fraudulent Companies Disrupt Peace on Essex Street: Preventive Measures Ahead


At first glance, the paperwork might have you believe that the leafy Essex street, Henry Drive in Leigh-on-Sea, is a bustling hub for the wholesale clothing market. Dubious company registrations would suggest that entrepreneurs from France, Germany, Italy, Georgia, and Morocco chose this quiet residential lane as the headquarters for their operations.

However, truth paints a starkly different picture. In just four months, a staggering 80 fraudulent businesses have been registered to various properties along Henry Drive, out of which 14 were recorded just in the past week. While these sham organizations claim to deal in clothing sales, their legitimacy is brought into question by a single company officer, invariably an “entrepreneur” supposedly residing in the aforementioned European or African countries.

A closer look at their residences reveals an absurd web of addresses. Some lead to generic street names, while others are traced back to improbable locations such as a deserted building in Morocco or a church in rural France. Financial crime specialists deduce these are the machinations of crime syndicates, utilizing counterfeit organizations for money laundering, or securing loans from banks, only to shut down the company shortly after.

The registration authority, Companies House, under the existing legislation, is obligated to register a company if the necessary paperwork is filed appropriately and the registration fee is paid.

Henry Drive, a peaceful residential street, has seen its tranquillity disrupted by these fraudulent activities. Residents like Ian Ross and his wife Tess are becoming increasingly anxious and exasperated, having had six counterfeit companies registered at their home recently. The ordeal came to light when they received correspondence from Companies House and HM Revenue and Customs pertaining to businesses unbeknownst to them.

Financial crime expert, Graham Barrow, likens these spurious entities to ‘burner companies’ – used for a brief period of time and then discarded. The primary motive behind the establishment of these companies, is financial gain, whether it be through laundering money or procuring bank loans. He further stressed that such activities are not uncommon, with similar deceitful businesses cropping up nationwide.

Addressing the spooked residents, Mr. Barrow highlighted the significance of filing paperwork to officially cease any connection with these illicit businesses. Kit Akister and Rosalind Miller, fellow victims, echo the perplexity and dread experienced by their neighbours. It’s bewildering for them why the government would approve of registering a fictitious business with no verification while victims bear the onus to demonstrate they are the legitimate property owners to revoke their troubled addresses.

HM Revenue and Customs and Companies House advise people who receive unexpected mail from them, relating to unknown businesses, to contact them at the earliest. As this issue continues to unsettle innocent homeowners, the government is attempting to remedy the problem with the upcoming Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill. Once this is enforced, the Registrar of Companies will exercise extended authority in tracking down the usage of fraudulent addresses, providing some reassurance to those affected by these elaborate schemes.