Former Kitchener Teacher Convicted for Taping Students to Chairs, License Suspended


A former elementary school teacher from Kitchener, Ontario has been convicted of professional misconduct by the Ontario Teachers College following an incident where she used tape to fasten two students to their chairs at Alpine Public School in the Fall of 2021. One parent revealed in deep concern and fear for their child’s safety, asserting that both they and their child failed to feel secure in the wake of the incident.

The results of the disciplinary hearing, made public the previous month, articulate the teacher’s actions as psychological or emotional abuse. A mutual agreement on the facts relating to the misconduct suggested that the teacher’s intention was to admonish one student against leaving their seat, while the other was cautioned against twisting around and engaging in conversation.

The disciplinary panel branded her actions as fear-inducing and apathetic towards the psychological well-being of the students, labelling them “disgraceful, dishonourable, and unprofessional.” Consequently, her teaching license was suspended for a four-month period. The panel also recommended that she take part in an accredited classroom management course if she wishes to return to her professional obligations.

While previous assault charges raised against the accused were dropped the last year in preference of a peace bond, the conditions of the peace bond specify that she is prohibited from any employment or voluntary work in any Canadian school or in any capacity with children aged 12 or under for the subsequent decade.

The teacher, employed under the Waterloo Region District School Board since 2005, voluntarily left her position back in May 2022.