Flood update in Laval


Planned closure of the temporary bridge of Île Bigras

The temporary bridge on Île Bigras is still under high surveillance due to anticipated increases in the water levels over the next few hours. Authorities have planned its closure if the situation becomes critical for citizen safety, and residents of Îles-Laval are reminded to take out their vehicles and park them at alternative parking lots on Île Jésus.

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In the event of a temporary bridge closure, horns will sound an hour prior to notify residents. Shuttle services and all emergency services remain in place to assist citizens in need.

Installation of a network of dams in Laval-Ouest

As of this afternoon, approximately 775 meters of damns will begin to be installed in Laval-Ouest to protect a residential area from the rising waters of Rivière des Mille Îles. These damns will consist of balloons filled with water and sandbags.

The field study conducted by the city’s engineering department identified problematic areas whose terrain configuration allows for the rapid implementation of this additional protection measure in the areas of Riviera and 20th streets.

Parking tolerance

In order to accommodate flood-affected citizens, a tolerance is in place in relation to alternative parking in certain defined areas, from Rivière des prairies and Rivière des Mille Îles until:

Boulevard Sainte-Rose

Rue les Érables

Chemin du Bord-de-l’Eau

Boulevard Samson

Boulevard Lévesque

Boulevard des Prairies

To date, 50 streets and 46 buildings are partially flooded, with 18 vacated residences, including 8 families hosted by the Red Cross.

Firefighters and police officers completed a second round of prevention visits to the flooded and at-risk areas totaling  1,962 residential visits since April 18, and today will begin a first round of visits in Area C of Rivière des prairies.

Resources are deployed in the public information and service centres open every day:

-Centre accès de Laval-Ouest, open 24 hours, with the presence of the Red Cross.

-Centre Bigras, open from 7 am to 9 pm, for the residents of Îles-Laval

Experts are closely monitoring the situation 24 hours a day in order to detect any problematic situation. Emergency services and 311 are ready to respond to citizens who would have questions.

You can view the high-risk flood areas by zone at www.ville.laval.qc.ca/geo/geoweb/?config=citoyen