Father Of 4 Dies Trying To Save Son’s Life At Fraser’s Chehalis Lake


When Arnulf Salazar’s youngest of four sons started to drift farther into deeper water, he did not think twice.

On the 17th of July, the 53-year-old and his family were out on a picnic. He managed to reach the 10-year-old, named Zac, who is also suffers from non-verbal autism.

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Nick McCleary, who had also come out to have a good time with friends and a young son, was wrapping his day when he heard screams emanate from the shore.

He dropped everything, ran all the way into the water and got to the father and son. He asked Salazar to pass his son along to him. At the, Salazar seemed okay, McCleary said.

He managed to get to the shore with Salazar’s son, but when he looked back to find out how far out the water he had gotten, Salazar was nowhere to be seen.

Salazar’s daughter, Zsalve, stated that the father was eventually pulled off the water by a diver who had arrived on the scene.

At that instant, Zsalve noted that the emergency response team arrived at their location, but her father did not make it.

Salazar was a glazier. Zsalve said that her father seemed stern, but deep down he was the best father, and quite hardworking. Along Zsalve, Salazar had a 22-year-old boy, and while Zac has a twin brother, who is autistic.