In a devastating incident that took place in the city’s western end on Thursday evening, a man was fatally shot, and a woman was seriously injured. The callous act of violence unfolded in the vicinity of Northcliffe Boulevard and St. Clair Avenue West, to the east of Dufferin Street, just past the supper hour, around 7:30 p.m and was immediately followed by reports of gunfire.
According to Duty Inspector Maher Abdel-Malik, prompt arrival of the officers on the scene revealed two victims, a man and a woman, each having sustained gunshot wounds. The male victim had been shot in the abdomen, while the female’s injury was localized to her leg.
Both victims were expediently transported to a nearby hospital, under critical and grave conditions, respectively. Tragically, the male victim succumbed to his injuries, while the female victim’s condition stabilized later on.
As the investigation delves deeper into the disturbing incident, the police are currently on the hunt for a solitary suspect believed to have fled the scene on foot. However, no further details have been divulged yet regarding the suspect’s appearance.
At the scene of the crime, a firearm was discovered, lending preliminary evidence to the investigators. Inspector Abdel-Malikended stated that at this early stage, there’s no discernible link between the victims, and no motive has been established. He further reassured the public, stating that there’s no immediate threat to public safety.
Eyewitnesses who recounted their accounts to local news agencies claimed that the carnage unfolded inside the Royal Caribbean Café. The male victim, they stated, ran out of the café and collapsed inside a pizza shop further down the street. However, Inspector Abdel-Malik declined to confirm the specific location of the incident, adding that the investigation is still in its infancy and littered with uncertainties.
The investigation is now under the purview of the homicide unit, and they have issued a call for assistance to anyone who might have relevant information that might assist in their investigation. The public is being urged to come forward and contact either the police directly or Crime Stoppers with any relevant details.