Fatal motorcycle accident Thursday night in Pointe Claire


A 26-year-old man lost his life after his motorcycle collided with a van on Thursday night in Pointe-Claire.

The accident occurred around 3:00 am at the intersection of Saint-Jean and Brunswick boulevards.Pointe Claire, West Island News, West Island Blog, Rhonda Massad, Police, Fatal crash

According to preliminary information obtained from witnesses by the police, the motorcyclist was traveling northward when he had ignored a red light at the intersection of the boulevards before colliding with a van that was traveling westward.

The 26-year-old motorcyclist was rushed to hospital in critical condition. The man later died as a result of his injuries.

The driver and the passenger of the truck were not injured.

“The speed and the non-respect of the signaling could be in question,” said Andrée-Anne Picard, spokesperson for the Police Department of the City of Montreal (SPVM).

A reconstructionist in collision scene went on site to analyze the scene.

Boulevard Saint-Jean is closed between Labrosse Avenue and the Trans-Canada Highway. Brunswick Boulevard has also been closed between Saint John Blvd. and Selkirk Avenue.