In Nova Scotia, conservation officials find themselves puzzling over the origins of an exotic cat discovered earlier this week in a Halifax community. The mysterious serval cat, known as an African native species, was apprehended by Halifax Regional Municipality’s Animal Services and volunteers on a Monday afternoon.
The importation and domestication of such serval cats is prescribed by law in Nova Scotia. Nevertheless, the animal found seems to have journeyed from the vast African landscapes to the urban North America scenario, under conditions yet unknown.
Following the capture, the exotic cat was transported to the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) of the province. The cat is said to be well and under the astute care of a veterinary team.
With an impending review of the case by the DNRR, it is likely that the serval would find a new home in a tailored environment, such as a zoo or wildlife park. Echoing this sentiment is Hope for Wildlife, a wildlife rehabilitation facility located in Seaforth, Nova Scotia. The owner, Hope Swinimer, expressed her readiness to offer a nurturing abode to the cat.
Giving a nod to the teaching potential of the situation, Hope expressed, “We would give a forever home here, and it would be a good educational piece for us to teach people about not keeping wildlife as pets, because it never ends well for the wild animal.”
Success with similar cases involving bobcats in the past has Hope for Wildlife now equipped to handle the needs of the serval cat.
The DNRR, in the meantime, has extended an appeal to the general public for any information regarding the cat’s origin. The Waverley office is all ears, striving to unknot this mystery and return the serval to an environment it can comfortably call home.