Meet the Business: Eco Conversions
Heating Oil to Electricity Conversion Services in the Montreal Area
For a Sustainable Ecological Transition
Eco Conversions’ mission is to be a major player in Québec’s energy transition by converting oil heating systems to electricity and consequently reducing our environmental footprint for the benefit of our future generations.
The heating oil industry has been steadily declining over the past years due to several factors such as unpredictable and fluctuating oil prices, the high costs of maintaining heating oil equipment, restrictive municipal regulations designed to reduce pollution caused by greenhouse gas emissions, financial incentives offered by the CHAUFFEZ VERT program, not to mention consumers’ growing concerns over environmental issues. These factors are the driving force behind the launching of this new venture giving you the option to safely and expertly convert your oil and dual energy heating systems to electricity.
Their team of experts can convert your home to electric heating in a single day! We remove all heating oil equipment from your home and replace them with their electric counterparts that will meet all the heating requirements of your home.
- 3845 Prud’homme,
- Montréal (Québec), H4A 3H8
- (514) 613-8444
Écoconversions will remove your oil-powered heating systems, water heaters and tanks. They will replace them with their electrical counter parts that are not only greener with no emissions but they run quietly, space saving and eligible for the Chauffez Vert grant.