Choral Flashmob Follows Welsh Rugby Team’s Journey Through World Cup in French Cities


During the ongoing Rugby World Cup, a dynamic choral flashmob has been grabbing attention on the streets of various French cities. This magical mix of melody and mystery has graced Bordeaux, Nice, Lyon, and Nantes, creating a powerful buzz as they tail the Welsh Rugby team’s progression through the tournament.

As Wales arrives in Marseille for the much-anticipated quarter final against Argentina, the harmonious troupe is calling on fans to join their musical procession.

Huw Davies, the heart and soul behind this mobile choir, proclaimed his shock at the overwhelming positivity it had sparked. “It’s what we do. Singing is not just a hobby for us, but an integral part of our soul,” he declared. His words resonating the pure passion and jubilation that have become synonymous with this uniquely musical flashmob.

As the World Cup comes to a gripping peak, both the Welsh team and Davies’ choir seem ready to give it their all. As the streets of Marseille prepare for this exciting fusion of sports and culture, one can only hold their breath and anticipate the resonating melodies echoing in unison with the cheers of the crowd.