In the cozy coastal town of Southport, England, nestled in the northwest corner of the United Kingdom, resides John Alfred Tinniswood, a venerable Englishman who has lived an impressive 111 years of life. Having recently been acknowledged by the globally renowned authority on record-breaking, Guinness World Records, Tinniswood now bearers the title of the oldest man living upon our prosperous Earth.
His ascension to this remarkable distinction has been precipitated by the passing of two crucial record-holders in the longevity stakes. The former title-bearer was a Venezuelan man, Juan Vicente Pérez, who may have tipped the scales of human survival, recently passing away at the grand age of 114. Following closely was Gisaburo Sonobe from Japan; his life was completed on an equally momentous note, leaving this world behind at the age of 112 in late March.
Tinniswood received recognition for his impressive longevity with an official certificate from Guinness World Records. The celebrations ensue this past Thursday, not within a grandiose hall, but within the simple confines of his current residence, a tranquil care home in his beloved Southport.
Born in the illustrious city of Liverpool on the 26th of August, 1912, Tinniswood’s arrival in the world predates the monumental sinking of the fabled Titanic by a few scant months. Displaying admirable tenacity and resilience, he has weathered the turbulence of two World Wars. During the second, he made his contribution to the global efforts by serving in his capacity as part of the British Army Pay Corps.
A retired accountant and loving great-grandfather, Tinniswood firmly believes in the philosophy of ‘moderation’ carrying the key to living a healthy life. In an era obsessed with restrictive diets and regimented living, he remains refreshingly unconstrained. No, he does not back a special diet; his regular fare might raise a few eyebrows – it includes a simple serving of succulent fish and crispy chips every Friday. Unsurprisingly, he’s no fan of smoking and is a rare imbiber of alcohol.
Imparting wisdom to Guinness World Records, Tinniswood emphasizes, “If you drink too much or eat too much or even realize a bout of excessive walking — if you overindulge in anything — you will suffer eventually.” Yet, when push comes to shove, he declares human longevity ultimately boils down to pure chance – the roll of the dice. “It’s pure luck. You either live long or you live short, and there’s not much you can do about it.”
In an interesting footnote, the world’s oldest living person is not a man but a woman. Maria Branyas Morera of Spain currently occupies this coveted spot, having lived a staggering 117 years.