Thursday, February 6, 2025
Project Prom

Project Prom is looking for donations

Many kids miss out on their prom because they simply cannot afford the expense. That's where Project Prom comes in. Project Prom helps young men and women prepare for...
AJOI Poker Tournament

AJOI, Ricochet and Caisse Desjardins de l’Ouest-de-l’Île host 2020 Poker Tournament

For its 4th edition, the 2020 Poker Tournament/Casino Night aims to raise the record amount of $50,000 to finance Ricochet, whose mission is to create housing resources for young...
Sugar Sammy & WICS

SUGAR SAMMY & West Island Community Shares

Sugar Sammy a very well know stand up comedian will be doing an event to support Partageaction - West Island Community Shares On October 17th 2019. Tickets Go on Sale September...

Autism Speaks Canada Dog Walk

On September 8th 2019 from 9:30am - 11:30am, come and join Mathew Moses for the Autism Speaks Canada dog walk. The dog walk will happen at Parc Pierre Elliott...
Westside Gathering Christmas Concert

Westside Gathering’s Christmas concert to benefit WI Mission this Sunday

Who doesn’t love Christmas songs? We hum or whistle along to them whenever they come on. They have a nostalgia and attraction to them.   Sebastian Demrey and Jimmy LaHaie have...
West Island Community Shares

West Island Community Shares comes together to support the most vulnerable in an unprecedented...

Knowing that all local community organizations will be financially impacted by COVID-19 and the demand for their services will increase significantly in the coming days, weeks and months, West...
Hero Run WICWC

West Island Cancer Wellness Centre’s 2nd Annual Hero Run

The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre, in partnership with Surrey House Communications is proudly hosting it 2nd Annual Hero Run, a 5km fundraising family walk/run in and around the city...

Do-what-you-like-a-thon aims to raise funds for the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation

The pandemic we are experiencing is a challenging time for everyone. But it is particularly difficult for hospitals and health workers. The Montreal Children’s Hospital has been hugely affected by...

The West Island Sandwich Crew

With a growing homeless population in Montreal, a family has taken it upon themselves to start "The Sandwich Crew" (formerly known as The Sandwich Brigade). The Sandwich Crew consists...
Dollars & Destinations Lottery Lakeshore

Dollars & Destinations Lottery Raises Close to $40,000 for the Lakeshore Birthing Centre

Do you know what Air Canada Rouge and TWMG Inc. Financial Services have done for West Islanders? They generously donated all the prizes to the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation’s Dollars & Destinations...