A renowned member of a controversial fringe conspiracy group, hailing from the Canadian branches, has apparently journeyed to another community in Saskatchewan. Romana Didulo, who self-proclaims to hold the legal status of the nation’s ‘queen,’ along with her followers, was openly expelled from Kamsack, Sask. recently.
Didulo has been identified by the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League as a “Canadian QAnon figure” who has made a call to arms for “violent action” against those involved in administering COVID-19 vaccinations to minors.
As cited by the Village of Richmound’s town overseer, Didulo, traveling via an RV, has established her “camp” on someone’s property within the settlement. An unknown resident of Richmound, Sask. reported the setup of a wired boundary around the property located on the site of an erstwhile school.
The same resident confided to CTV News, saying that the group’s arrival has significantly disturbed the compact community, home to fewer than 150 residents. Didulo’s presence in the area and her activities are being closely surveilled by an officer positioned at the Leader RCMP detachment.
Contrary to the community’s discomfort, the police officer reports that Didulo and her group have yet to infringe upon any legalities.
Upon her entrance into Kamsack the previous Wednesday, Didulo faced strong opposition as roughly 200 locals from the town and neighboring First Nations combined forces to escort her group out of the precinct. The incident has sparked alarm and concern among locals, as Didulo’s group stands accused of attempting territorial usurpation, as detailed by Sherise Fountain, Kamsack’s acting administrator.
During Didulo’s stint in town, Kamsack hospital remained on high alert, its entrances securely locked and constantly watched over by security. However, the Saskatchewan Health Authority assures that these safety precautions did not hinder patient care.
The community of Richmound, Sask., where Didulo and her group are currently situated, is positioned north of Maple Creek, skirting the Alberta border. It is positioned about 445 kilometers west of Regina.