Huge dog park open in Beaconsfield


by Rhonda Massad

We are days away from dogs running free in Beaconsfield again.Huge dog park open up in Beaconsfield

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Well almost free.  The new  dog run worth $70,000 is near completion.  After much fuss about leashes and bylaws over the course of the summer, the new dog run, which is basically a huge fenced in area the size of one and a half football fields, will start receiving our furry friends very soon.

At the August public meeting, Beaconsfield’s Mayor George Bourelle announced that there would be adjustments to the current bylaw with respect to dog rules applying to dog runs.  Notably dog owners/guardians may have a maximum of 3 dogs under their responsibility when using the dog run, owners must use appropriate measures to keep their dog from barking or howling and if required the dog must wear a muzzle.Bikes and strollers will not be permitted in the dog run. No consumption of alcoholic beverages or food is permitted in the new fenced 155,000 square foot space.

The bylaw amendment also included an adjustment to the billing process for K-9s.  Moving forward, a partial reimbursement of dog license fees will be awarded should the dog die within the first 12 months of obtaining a license upon presentation of a death certificate.

Al Gardner, president of The Beaconsfield Citizens Association put forth a formal request for the same consideration be paid to those residents who move from the city in the first 12 months of the license purchase.Huge dog park open up in Beaconsfield