Beaconsfield suffers more car break-ins over the weekend


by Rhonda Massad

It does not seem to matter how many times representatives of Police Station One in Kirkland present positive crime reports at Beaconsfield Public meetings, the culprits who are allegedly taken off the streets are replaced by more villains who rob homes and break into cars in the area.

This weekend was no exception.  The local Facebook group Beaconsfield Neighbours for Neighbours with more than 1,500 residents actively supporting each other reported more car break-ins on Saturday night, May 27.

“My car was locked,” said one resident. “My papers were found by another neighbour down the street who also had his wallet stolen from his locked car.”

One resident reported seeing two men in hoodies trying to break into her car.

“Last night at around 3:30 AM I heard some noise outside my window,” said a member of the Facebook group.  “When I went to check there were 3 punks all dressed in black with hoodies on my driveway going directly into my car. I screamed “hey” and they started to run away.”

Homes on Alice Carriere, Sydney Cunningham, and Elizabeth were the unlucky winners of this recent rash of thefts.