Here is a message from Beaconsfield City Councillor Wade Staddon – Chair of Land Use Planning and Development Advisory Committee inviting all Beaconsfield residents to be heard on the future development in Beaconsfield.
I would like to extend an informal invitation for you to come, and take advantage of any opportunities to invite other Beaconsfield residents, to the Land Use Planning and Development Advisory Committee’s upcoming public sessions on April the 4th (Herb Linder Annex) and the 11th (City Hall), both at 7:00 PM.
On the 4th we will be hosting an open house to give all involved the chance to hear and share ideas informally. On the 11th, we are inviting residents and organizations to present their views to the committee in a somewhat more formal fashion.
See more information on Beaconsfield’s newest advisory committee at:
These sessions are prime opportunities to participate in dialogues on how our city can evolve as an inclusive and eco-friendly community for the future. While seeking ways to meet our obligations under the Island of Montreal’s new planning regulations, we are taking the opportunity to also explore possible paths to better meet our community’s current needs, plan for the future, maintain our character, and preserve our environment.
For those who either cannot attend or have thoughts to share with the committee in writing, everyone can either express themselves by dropping a letter at the city addressed to me or by email at