By Rhonda Massad
Remember the name Scott Mumme because he is going places. His passion for fresh organic produce and business has this 29-year-old Beaconsfield resident growing, picking and selling what everyone seems to want these days, homegrown local food.
Every Thursday, between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., Mumme can be found selling his produce at the Beaconsfield Farmers Market located at the Beaconsfield train station.
“This is a complement of a low-cost business module and the fact that I wanted to create a job for myself and give value to people,” he explained.
According to Mumme, he grows most of his produce himself on land borrowed from relatives in St. Lazarre. He has four plots equalling close to 6,000 square feet of growing space for his lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, sprouts and carrots. He hand picks his blueberries from an organic farm in Hemmingford and carries a few other products from a supplier in the area. He has everything you need for dinner.
Lynn Shaver also of Beaconsfield says if she can’t make it to the market on Thursday she will either pick up her produce or have Mumme deliver it.
“I like to buy things locally, in Beaurepaire Village, Pointe Claire village or local markets,” Shaver said. “As Scott’s Aunt, I have followed his journey from the beginning and this year he has zeroed in on what people want.”
Follow Mumme on his company Facebook page called Leafs – vegetable produce or better yet visit him this Thursday at the Beaconsfield Farmers Market.
For further information contact Scott Mumme at 514 378 5960 or .