On Monday, September 26, 2016, the process for the City of Beaconsfield to rezone the lot located at 205 Alton Drive, a.k.a The Club West Island to a four-story structure without changing the height requirement of the zone which would remain as it is currently at 13 meters.
K.F. Construction, owners of the property would like to change the project to include a flat roof which would allow for a fourth story, penthouse level while remaining within the 13 meters.
The City held the required consultations that allow the residents to remain informed and free to voice their concerns to council. Many concerns were voiced over the past several months both for and against the changes.
“The people of Beaconsfield do not want four-stories,” explained resident Lorne Smith at the last public meeting. “We are concerned it would set a precedent for development in the future.”
According to the legal clerk for Beaconsfield, the steps to complete the process include a public notice giving information on the possibility of making an application to participate in a referendum, meaning a petition of 12 signatures or more in the four zones that touch the zone of the property. Receipt of said applications can be received between November 3 and 10, 2016.
Robert Mercuri, resident of the area feels the project would be a good addition to the community.
“This project is a good thing because seniors who have lived here all their lives can downsize and remain in the city they have always lived in,” Mercuri said.
Council will decide whether to adopt the by-law at the regular scheduled public meeting on November 21, 2016.
According to a recent article in the citie’s monthly magazine to residents, City Councillor for the zone, Wade Staddon, the project has undergone changes to the initial proposal through information sessions with residents and negotiations with the City. By building the structures of steel and concrete, the project enables four floors to be built at the same building height now permitted for three floors. The top floor would be set back from the lower floors, and the project would maintain 65% of the lot as green space as all parking would be underground.
Staddon explained at the October public meeting that should the project be voted down the process will begin again.
“The project is one of high quality, one which I support,” he stated, “there are no guarantees what will be presented to us the next time around.”
Staddon went on to say that the project would satisfy a lack of housing that exists in Beaconsfield with regards to residents who wish to downsize and remain in the city.