by Rhonda Massad
Last March more than 170 people headed to Beaconsfield City Hall to exercise their democratic right to sign a registry to block a zoning amendment proposed by Council to change the lot on Praire Drive and Beaurepaire from commercial to residential. This September 26 at 7 p.m. Council will give it another shot with a public consultation with a new plan for the spot.
The previous project raised concerns with residents about traffic, densification, sound and decontamination of the 53,500 square foot lot. The new project seems to have addressed many of the concerns including the allocation of green space which will be addressed when the developer delivers the city a wooded plot of 498 square meters corresponding to 10% of the land to be developed in place of applicable taxes.
The entrepreneur who hopes to develop the lot at 100 Beaurepaire Drive will present plans for 18 townhouses which would include an outdoor visitor parking as opposed to the previous proposal of 22 units with no outdoor parking.
A full presentation of the plans will be explained at the public consultation on September 26 at 7 p.m. at Beaconsfield City Hall.