A number of B.C Ferries passengers reached their departure terminals on Monday only to find that their reservations they made weeks prior for a sailing adventure are fake.
Ferries are currently jam-packed with returning passengers, which has led to some families being trapped, unable to head back home for at least one more night.
B.C Ferries issued an apology online, noting that the sailing that people booked weeks in advance were erroneously built into their systems.
B.C did not respond to local media’s request for additional information, including the number of passengers that were affected and what caused the mistake.
Affected persons noted that they made their booking via B.C Ferries’ website as is normally the case.
The sailing would have picked up additional passengers on Salt Spring at about 10:50 am, then head over to Pender Island to pick up other passengers at about 11:40 am, then head back to Tsawwassen.