Apple has recently unveiled an update to its iOS 17 system, aimed to rectify an issue causing the iPhone 15 series to become disconcertingly warm. The update, denoted as iOS 17.0.3 in patch notes, was explicitly designed to address the matter of unusual warmth in the iPhone operations.
The software aficionado, headquartered in Cupertino, California, attributed the said unpleasant heating of iPhone 15 series to a software glitch along with ensuing complications involving well-known apps, including Instagram and Uber. Post-release of these models, complaints flowed in regarding the phones getting excessively warm, verging on unbearable.
Apple explained, “Several conditions are leading the iPhone to operate at a higher temperature than expected.” This brief elucidation was offered in response to the proliferating grouses about the overheating iPhones making rounds on various online discussion platforms, attracting considerable media attention.
It is not an uncommon occurrence for freshly launched iPhone models to run considerably hot within the initial days of use or during the restoration of backup data from the cloud. Apple, conscious of these issues, has always alerted its users accordingly. While it is also usual for iPhones to warm up during the usage of processing power-intensive apps such as video games or the deployment of augmented reality, the complaints regarding iPhone 15 point towards an abnormality surpassing these routine scenarios.
Apple, addressing the concerns, emphasized that the said overheating issue doesn’t have any ties with its new processor or the titanium casing enclosing the premium iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models. Additionally, the company quelled conjectures linking the overheating problem in these new models to its recent shift from the proprietary Lightning charging system to the more globally eminent USB-C port. This change was imperative for conforming to a directive from European regulators. Apple maintains that the interchange of charging ports bears no relevance to the heating troubles in the new models.