On January 11th of this year, a street outreach worker from AJOI posted on the organization’s Facebook page Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest de l’Île. The post reached out to the community and its generosity with a few pictures of a youth’s empty apartment.
Following the Facebook publication, the people of this community have, again, generously answered the call for help. The outreach street worker received 14 Facebook private messages, about 20 calls and about 20 text messages from the community ready to donate multiple goods.
Prior to the publication, the youth only owned a single mattress, a love seat, a few plates and a toaster. After 54 comments and 490 shares, as of February 1, this young adult now lives in a fully furnished apartment. Thanks to these donations, to the three people who have offered moving transportation and the precise coordination skills of the outreach worker, this person now owns a queen sized bed, nightstands, drawers, a kitchen table and chairs, a fridge, an oven, a dish set, household products and personal health supplies.
AJOI salutes its staff as well as the kindness of the people of our community. They transformed a simple apartment into a home. Since 2007, AJOI works tirelessly to better the quality of life of the West Island youth. Throughout the year of 2015-2016, the street outreach workers have intervened in 162 fund assistance cases and in 347 housing and shelter cases. The organization receives on average two calls a week from young adults who have no safe place to sleep. AJOI is presently in a funding campaign in hopes to finance an emergency shelter in the West Island for the homeless youth. If you wish to donate, please visit us at the following link: www.AJOIH.org