Aberarad Dairy Factory’s Noise and Odor Nuisances Spark Local Outrage


The idyllic community of Aberarad, nestled near Newcastle Emlyn, has recently been in the throes of an escalating furore over the operations of local industry, Dairy Partners Ltd. The cheese-making facility, known for churning out a hefty 400 tonnes of pizza cheese weekly, has been under scrutiny for recurrent noise and smell nuisances, marring the tranquillity of the area.

Residents have likened the scent wafting from the factory to an insufferable, omnipresent cloud hampering their very lives. Meanwhile, sporadic nocturnal disturbances add to their plight, with incessant machine runnings and unanticipated sirens related to the delivery of liquefied natural gas frequently jolting the night air.

Adding fuel to the fire was the controversy surrounding Dairy Partners Ltd undertaking the construction of a new waste treatment plant without requisite planning permissions. The company justified the hasty actions, citing the dysfunctional former treatment equipment that caused added expenses and concerns over river water quality.

In response to mounting complaints, a spokesperson assured that the grievances have been assiduously addressed. The company took the initiative to conduct odor testing sessions from 2021 to 2022 and promptly respond to reported complaints within the same day.

Dairy Partners also sought to underline its endeavor to maintain an amicable neighborhood rapport. This claim is substantiated by their investment in sound-proofing after a 2020 noise survey, albeit the survey registering no anomalies. The businesses representatives iterated their efforts to openly converse with neighboring residents before the establishment of the new treatment plant.

In 2019, Carmarthenshire Council advised Dairy Partners on the preliminary course of action regarding the proposed effluent treatment plant. A few missteps later, the work had to be halted temporarily after an enforcement complaint was raised. However, due to Covid-induced lockdowns, inspections were not carried out, permitting the continuation of work.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) chimed in, revealing figures of 380 complaints lodged against Dairy Partners in 2022 and 2023 primarily about noise and odor. NRW further added that the plant was operated without obtaining the necessary environmental permit, although an amendment to include it was only made in March of the present year.

Navigating these choppy waters, Dairy Partners remains committed to rectifying the situation and implementing necessary modifications to enhance the living conditions of the neighboring residents and uphold its obligations to the environment.