Ottawa human rights lawyer Richard Warman has filed a complaint with the Law Society of Alberta against John Carpay, the head of the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, for hiring a private investigator to follow the Court of Queen’s Bench Chief Justice Glenn Joyal. He also filed a complaint against Jay Cameron, the centre’s litigation director, and Allison Pejovic, a lawyer from the Justice Centre who is registered with the Law Society of Manitoba.
“I would ask that the Law Society of Manitoba investigate to determine if Ms. Pejovic played any role in the conduct of her firm in hiring a private investigator to spy on Chief Justice Joyal,” Warman wrote in his complaint.
Glenn Joyal revealed on Monday that he was followed. He said that he was being followed by a vehicle that started trailing him the moment he left the Manitoba law courts building in downtown Winnipeg.
Richard Warman wants to find out whether Cameron and Pejovic were involved in hiring the private investigator who followed Joyal around town.
Warman said:
“I would hope that, if the complaints are substantiated, that there will be serious consequences, up to and including disbarment. I think this is one of the most serious examples of professional misconduct that I’ve ever seen.”
Deirdre O’Reilly, a communications officer for the Law Society of Manitoba, wrote in an email:
“The law society would be very concerned if a lawyer were found to have attempted to improperly influence the cause of justice by hiring a private investigator to follow the judge who is presiding over the matter.”