Get Your Groove on Baby


By: Suzanne Reisler Litwin

There seems to be a lot of trouble in the world these days. Everyday something terrible happens somewhere. Lately, there have been horrific attacks on our free society and people. This hits right home and into the hearts of everyone. No one is immune from this pain.  Everyone suffers and pledges an allegiance to stop this madness. It’s got to stop!!!

How does one turn this ugly boat around? How does a person who’s suffering see through this pain? We have to try with all our might to rise above it. We have to dig very deep down into our souls and find something, anything which will makes us feel better. When we find this aspect of happiness, we need to harvest it, share it and get some good groove on.

Music is my method for finding peace and distraction from this troubled world. Ok, chocolate too, but that’s a whole different article.

Lately, I have been an ardent listener to talk radio. I listen to the news constantly. I want to know everything that is happening. I need to be informed. I need to know all the details of every terrible atrocity. I’m not a sadist, I’m a realist.  I must be in the know.

When I am on the rewind of knowing all the current news, I change the radio station and listen to my very first boyfriend. That’s right, Elvis! I can admit it; I’m in love with Elvis Presley. His voice lifts my spirits. I know every single word of his songs and I “painfully” sing them… alone. Believe me when I mention me singing Elvis tunes alone is a wise choice.  My friends and family will attest to this.

His music puts me into a fabulous mood and for those brief moments, I have unknowingly escaped the traitorous news world we currently live in.

I must look like a fool in my car belting out, “Hound Dog” or “Suspicious Minds”, but I don’t care. Or I must look like a freak running and singing his tunes up and down the streets. Again, I don’t care. I’ve “left the building” of worry and concern. I’m being soothed and calmed and I need this. I’m simply getting my groove on.

We all need to break from the news rhetoric or it too, will ruin us. We must stay strong minded and focus on the important issues. So, the occasional happy cleanse is the way to go.

I’m not suggesting turning a blind eye to all the problems which are affecting our world. I’m simply suggesting to find something which brings you great pleasure and creates clarity.  Find something to ease the pain and anxiety which will also give you strength to carry on.

Here are some suggestions to help get the groove back into your days:Suzanne Reisler Litwin, Keeping it Real, Rhonda Massad, West Island Blog

  1. Sing like a fool, like me!
  2. Dance like a fool! Like me too!
  3. Hug more, love more, hold hands more often
  4. Drink a delicious drink
  5. Escape into an amazing book or movie
  6. Make someone smile, and you will smile too. The Dollar Store has great props for this!
  7. Eat really good chocolate
  8. Buy some flowers.
  9. Go bowling. This game is full of hope and hope feels good.
  10. See a play, or a musical, a sports game, a concert, an opera, a ballet, or see an art show
  11. Put on a costume!

    12. Eat a monster size sundae

    13. Get outside and do some kind of exercise

    14. Paint something special

    15. Roast marshmallows!

    After doing something like I mentioned, I’m sure the good groove will creep back into your life. Good spreads good and… “There’s nothin wrong with that darlin.” It can only help.

    In the words of my beloved Elvis,

“Your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky
With burning love”

Make today a better day, put some good groove into it.

Suzanne Reisler Litwin is an author/writer/columnist/educator. She contributes every Monday morning to the West Island Blog’s Keeping it Real Column. 

She is an instructor at Concordia University in The Centre for Continuing Education. Suzanne is a freelance contributor to The Suburban newspaper.   She is the author of the children’s book, The Black Velvet Jacket. She lives in Montreal, Canada with her 3 children, Allyn, Taylor, and Duke and her husband Laurie. Suzanne contributes regularly to West Island Blog under her column Keeping it Real.  Please visit her website  to read more of her published articles, books, and poetry.