by Rhonda Massad
The Table de Concertation Enfance-Famille-Jeunesse de l’Ouest de l’Ile (TCEFJOI) gathered 12 organizations and institutions last week to plan initiatives for the future of West Island youth. The collaborative effort will see a pooling of resources for the upcoming year.
Co-president Benoit Langevin, also executive director of AJOI, Agence Jeunesse de L’Ouest de l’Ile, encouraged the groups to network during the breaks from a packed agenda.
“We often share the same issues,” Langevin explained. “If we get together we know what programs the other organizations are offering and we will not be duplicating our efforts. This way we work together when addressing concerns related to children, teens, young adults and families in the West Island.”
Groups included Amcal, WIWC, YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters, AJOI, Carrefour Jeunesse D’emploi and the SPVM to name a few, showed up with renewed energy and explained their programs to one another in hopes of linking together.
read more at The Suburban